Tuesday to Saturday: 9:30 AM to 6:00 PM
Call us: 250-491-4916

Vascular & Pigmented Lesions

-Photodamage -Melasma/Chloasma -Sun spots -Freckles -Solar Lentigines -Uneven skin tone

Restore your skin to its original complexion

Treatment of pigmented Lesions using DPC technology is a proprietary light-based technology that enables you to treat unwanted pigmented lesions effectively, quickly, safely, and requires only a small number of treatments.

Clear and unblemished skin is only a treatment away!

Pigmented lesions are darkened spots on the skin. Their causes vary - they can be hereditary, or appear after hormonal changes like childbirth. The majority of pigmented lesions known as ‘sun spots’ or ‘solar lentigo’ are caused by over exposure to the sun’s damaging UV rays and begin to appear around the age of 40.
With SharpLight’s treatment, you can safely and effectively get rid of unwanted pigmentation. The treatment is comfortable, fast and requires absolutely no downtime. Best of all, most patients can see dramatic results after the very first session.

How does it work?

During the treatment, Dynamic Pulse Control (DPC) pulses are emitted into the skin. Due to the specific wavelength of the pulses, the pigmented lesion optimally absorbs the light energy. The energy causes the pigmented lesion to break and eventually disappear while leaving the rest of the skin unharmed. Initially this process will manifest as darkening of the pigment, then a scab will cover that treated area that is naturally exfoliated within 1-2 weeks.

Broken Capillaries | Cheek $125

Décolleté | Neck $175

Cheek & Nose Area $150

Full Face $250

Face $200


Individual Spots $50


Q. What types of pigment can be treated?
A. SharpLight’s solution is appropriate for treating a wide variety of pigmentation concerns such as sun damage, age spots, and freckles on the face, neck, chest, and hands.

Q. What kind of result can I expect?
A. DPC technology has been clinically proven to remove unwanted pigments on skin types I -IV.

Q. How many treatments are required?
A. After the very first treatment, you can expect to see a reduction in the appearance of unwanted skin pigment, and following multiple treatments, the pigmentation will lighten/disappear and your skin will have a more even tone.

Q. Are the treatments safe and painless?
A. IPL treatments are non-invasive and safe. During the procedure, there may be a slight 1-2 second, momentary tingling sensation that may be felt, but no pain. The darkened pigment is expected to slough off 10-14 days after the treatment, leaving the skin pigment free.

Why you should choose to remove unwanted pigmented lesions with SharpLight:

Removal of unwanted pigmentation within 2-6 treatments
Non-invasive and fast treatment
Visible improvement from the very first treatment
Safe and Effective on various skin types
A quick ‘lunchtime’ procedure with no downtime

Pre-Treatment Precautions:

Discontinue Accutane 6 months prior to treatment
Discontinue use of Retinoic Acid product 2 weeks to treatment
Avoid sun exposure or the use of tanning beds and self-tanners for at least four to eight weeks, prior and/or between IPL treatments (dependant on skin type)
Report all skin diseases, viruses, infections, cold sores, eczema or allergies
Do not exfoliate, us glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide or any other skin irritants for one week prior to treatment
Discontinue using bleaching creams for 2 weeks prior to treatment and perfumed products (eg. Aromatherapy oils/Essential oils) for 48 hours before treatment
Avoid Microdermabrasions or peels for two weeks prior to treatment
If the skin is red, irritated or sunburned, the IPL treatment must be rescheduled.
Report all medication taken within 2 weeks of the treatment
Avoid strenuous exercise fo 24 hours prior to the clinical treatment
Avoid swimming in strong chlorinated water immediately before an IPL treatment

Post-Treatment Precautions:

Avoid direct sunlight, tanning beds or self-tanners for at least 2-3 weeks after a treatment. Apply Sun Protective Cream of SPF 50+, 15 minutes prior to sun exposure and 15 minutes afterwards. Keep reapplying as needed throughout the day
Consider using protective cotton gloves for driving, or a hat to protect facial areas. If there are scabs or blisters, make-up should not used for 3-4 days
For at least two weeks post Skin Rejuvenation/Vascular/Pigmentation treatment, do not use: harsh topical exfoliations, glycolic acid, benzyl peroxide, acne creams, etc.
Avoid touching, rubbing, peeling or picking of the skin, as this may cause hyper/hypo-pigmentation, scarring or infection
Gently apply pure Aloe Vera gel or antibiotic ointment, to the treated area twice daily until healed and dry
For 1 week, avoid hot baths, showers, hot subs and saunas. When showering and washing, gently pat dry and do not rub
Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 - 48 hours following clinical treatment
Avoid strong chlorinated water for 24 hours post IPL treatment